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REFRESH X Fantoche #3

The interdisciplinary exhibition «REFRESH X Fantoche» is situated at the interface of the Arts, Design and Technology. By means of games, video works and immersive installations, the exhibition explores notions of «care», community, the ecological crisis and the complex relationship between humans and nature. The international group exhibition, comprised of 16 works, is a plea for a new «we» that inevitably includes non-human life («more–than–human»). It presents visions of possible futures in Design and the Arts through selected projects and reflects the role of designers and artists in an increasingly digitalized world.

Opening Hours:
September 4th 2024: noon to 8:00 pm
September 5th 2024: noon to 8:00 pm
September 6th 2024: noon to 8:00 pm
September 7th, 2024: noon to 10:00 pm
September 8th, 2024; noon to 6:00 pm

Exhibition location:
Bruggerstrasse 37, 5400 Baden